About Us
Who We Are
Over the past 20 years as SHACs have evolved, there has always been a struggle to provide support and resources to help SHACs fulfill their mission of supporting child health. At one time there were school health specialists at the Texas Education Agency Regional Service Centers but due to budget constraints those positions were eliminated.
Texas Action for Healthy Kids has taken the lead role in convened state government representatives, non-profit partners and school districts to identify ways to be supportive of the important work that SHACs have been assigned. All of the individuals from these organizations are volunteering their time for this important mission.
But we need to be able to work together, particularly on policy issues and to do that we need to be able to communicate with SHACs across the state. So the Texas SHAC Network was formed to help us recruit members from SHACs across the state. With the support of United Health Care we have been able to develop resources and build this website to allow access to information, something that has not been possible previously. There is much more to come!
By joining the SHAC network, you will be able to unite with other SHACs, learn how they work, what challenges they have faced and what solutions they have found.
What We Do
This is a new endeavor, started in the summer of 2021 and is entirely volunteer-based, and we are in the process of developing a plan of action. Texas Action for Healthy Kids will continue to work with different organizations to provide information, update the website, host webinars on different topics like recess, advocating for good policies, engaging parents and more.
School Health Index
The School Health Index (SHI) is a research-based assessment tool that helps you understand which school health policies and best practices your school or district has/does not have in place that support healthy students and prepare them to learn. Conducted yearly, the SHI can not only help you identify ways to improve student health, it can help promote health-enhancing behaviors and better health for staff and students.
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